An article on a new hybrid-build approach to building publishing platforms, authored by Liblynx’s John Corkery and industry strategist Deni Auclair, interviews our co-founder Sam Herbert.

The feature, ‘Emerging Tech: To Be or Not to Be? — Introducing Hybrid-build:  The New Approach to Building Modern, Content Platforms for 21st century Publishing’, was published by Against the Grain.

Sam said: “The key benefit to taking the hybrid-build approach is that it allows publishers to customise, where needed, to deliver specific and additional value to users, while at the same time saving time and money when improving generic problem areas that already have a best-of-breed solution. This means publishers get to develop a unique proposition without having to rebuild everything, and they can invest more money where it is critical — where they are delivering new value for customers.”

You can read the full article here.

If you are considering taking a new approach to building your publishing platform, contact us to discuss.