Our CEO Jennifer Schivas-Porter attended
SSP2024 to present our work with OABUDT on International Data Spaces. Afterwards, she took a moment to crystallise her thoughts on the top themes and topics being discussed on and off-stage at the conference.1.Change is here – and it’s hard to do well
Steering ourselves, our companies and our industry through continuous change and evolution is the biggest task facing our leaders right now.
2. Data, data, everywhere…but is it in your strategy?
We are all collecting reams of data, but the ongoing challenge is to find ways to use it to make strategic decisions. The most pressing issues for publishers – for example how to steer your OA strategy, what to do with AI – should all be driven by data.
3. AI is an opportunity…and a threat
AI is going to disrupt every facet of scholarly communication and publishers should be engaging and experimenting. Burying your head in the sand is not an option.
4. Our fundamental purpose is being challenged
We are in an age of increasing mistrust and misinformation. Publishers have a responsibility and a role to play for their communities and the wider world.
5. What is your North Star?
Throughout all this change, do you understand your fundamental ‘why’? To succeed, you need to understand and be led by your business goals, and embrace our shared values of openness and integrity in our community.
Did you miss our poster at SSP? You can see a version of it here.