We are delighted to announce that a major platform upgrade for our client Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales (ICLR) has successfully gone live this week – and it includes a revolutionary new search tool, Case Genie, that has the potential to transform case law research in the sector.

ICLR first digitized its authoritative archive of law reports, case summaries and legal information, used daily by barristers, solicitors, law schools and state institutions, back in 2011. The preceding three upgrades have steadily enhanced and improved content, functionality and user experience each time. But the Case Genie sets a new standard. Using Artificial Intelligence in the form of Natural Language Processing to analyse a user’s own document in order to identify the legal concepts and issues in it, the search tool then suggests cases from the ICLR database that might be relevant. It is a massive win for users, helping them dig deeper and wider into case law and discover the “unknown unknowns” that might change the legal landscape.

“I cannot tell you just how impressed I was by this. I think it has the potential to be a real game changer for the legal profession.” Faisel Sadiq, Barrister

“At ICLR our primary focus is on helping the user to find the content that matters to them, whether they are a first year law student or an experienced legal researcher. We are delighted that the new platform, ICLR.4, helps them to do this in such a transformative way.” Paul Magrath, Head of Product Development and Online Content, ICLR.

For more details on how Case Genie works, check out this excellent article in The Artificial Lawyer.